Wisdom Plugin

Wisdom Plugin enables plugin developers and theme authors to capture actionable data that not only reduce support time but creates opportunities for upselling your premium products.

With the MailChimp integration, you can send a marketing automation campaign to a user that installs your plugin or theme. Send them a welcome email that includes instructions on how to use your product. This can dramatically reduce the number of customers that install your product, get lost in documentation, and deactivate out of frustration. After your happy customer has been using your product for a few days, follow up with subsequent emails to upsell them on your premium product.

If you need to provide technical support for a customer, simply look up their site in Wisdom to see the following information:

Current theme name
The version of your plugin or theme they have installed
All active and inactive plugins
Text Direction
Site Language
PHP version
Server information
And much more!

To see a few examples of reports you can run with Wisdom Plugin, check out this screencast: https://youtu.be/En90S9Sk3M8

Visit https://wisdomplugin.com to learn more!

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