A2 Hosting

Since 2003, A2 Hosting has specialized in Linux-based, developer friendly hosting services. We cater to the WordPress community by offering scalable hosting accounts, which run on robust servers, at an affordable cost. As part of our commitment to the WordPress community, we sponsor a great number of WordCamps and WordPress MeetUps around the globe.

We recently reaffirmed our commitment to the WordPress community in 2018 by releasing our Managed WordPress hosting solution. This service was built with the needs and wants of the WordPress community in mind; providing you with an enhanced WordPress environment that cultivates both creativity and prosperity. We offer all the tools needed to successfully run a scalable, fast, and secure WordPress site out of the box.

Check out all we have to offer at A2 Hosting!

Published by

Aurooba Ahmed

Interests: content-first web development, PHP, JS, React, HTML, CSS I care about friendly useable websites built with clean and elegant code. Always doing my best to keep learning and building my best.

WordCamp Calgary 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!