Paul Thompson

Paul Thompson

Often called a geek translator by his clients, Paul specialises in helping transform the buzzwords of web marketing into solid strategies and business results for bloggers and small/medium businesses as well as enterprise clients.

As a web marketing and SEO consultant, Thompson focuses primarily on optimizing existing sites into powerful marketing platforms. Using his extensive expertise in technical SEO audits as a basis, he incorporates custom analytics, content marketing, conversion optimisation, email marketing, paid search, and social influence marketing (ah, the buzzwords!), depending on the client’s needs. Thompson also provides one-on-one coaching and training in these areas.

He’s been managing and marketing sites since 2002, including stints running major web programs for Banff and Lake Louise Tourism and Travel Alberta, and has been working with WordPress since 2009. When he’s not at the keyboard, he’s likely on his bike or cross-country skis, or on the hiking trails around his home in Canmore, camera in hand.

Twitter: @thompsonpaul


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