David Andrew Wiebe

David Andrew Wiebe

David Andrew Wiebe is a hardworking, fun-loving, dynamic individual. A year out of College in 2002, he started teaching guitar in every setting imaginable: studios, community centers, in his own home, in his client’s homes, churches and even online.

Simultaneously, he continued to progress and advance his abilities as a guitarist, studio engineer, producer, blogger, podcaster, multimedia designer and online marketer. Having recorded his first solo album in 2006, he has since contributed his talents to the likes of Andrew Riches, Jonathan Ferguson and The Active Light.

However, his entrepreneurial spirit was always an undercurrent to every project and job he undertook. He began a journey of personal development in 2007 and hasn’t looked back. He engages in books and audio on a daily basis. While music still proves to be a significant part of his personal and professional life, his entrepreneurial efforts have come to the foreground of his life in the form of leadership development and online marketing.

Wiebe believes in working daily towards the achievement of his own dreams and goals, and his purpose is to enable and encourage others to do the same. As Zig Ziglar has often said, if you can help enough people get what they want, you can have what you want. Wiebe is a believer in this concept, tackling problems of various sizes to better people’s lives.


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