Gutenberg and the future of WordPress

In 2018, WordPress will modernize, streamline, and simplify the content creation experience with Gutenberg. It represents the biggest change to the WordPress user experience in several years. In fact, in the State Of The Word 2017 Matt Mullenweg described its enduring importance as “the editor for the next twelve years.”

How does it work? Who is already using it? How can I get ready? How can I contribute? This presentation will answer all those questions and more.

Storytelling in the digital age

Storytelling is the most ancient of crafts, since the days of the great hunt men and women sat around the fire warding of the beasties and the night with telling’s of great deeds.

Times have changed and now our campfire glows have turned into the light of a monitor. However this should never stop a good story.

Let Scottish Storyteller Calum Lykan introduce you to his world of storytelling and how it works for all mediums. From telling your own story to marketing your business and website using audio or video to tell that story.

The Case Study Blueprint

Nothing converts like a solid case study.
Customer success stories get your leads to take action and set you apart from your competitors—whether they’re posted on your site, sent in emails, or used in outreach.

But getting client buy-in is hard. Capturing a great story is tricky. And once you’ve got ’em, how do you use ’em to drive leads and sales?

I’ve spent years building a powerful, repeatable process for capturing and sharing customer success stories, and in this session, I want to share it.

You’ll learn how to…
1. Build a case study strategy (and yes, you need one!)
2. Get client buy-in
3. Run the perfect case study interview
4. Use your case studies to improve outreach response rates

Whether you consider yourself a writer or not, you’ll leave with a process you can use to start getting more case studies and turning them into sales.

The 10 Most Common Copywriting Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)

In this session, I’ll share “X” of the most common mistakes I see businesses making with their website, email, and ad copy — and how to avoid falling into the same pitfalls.

Attendees will learn…
1. The MOST important thing to consider when writing for your audience

2. A foolproof technique for keeping copy focused

3. How to know whether your copy should be long, short, or somewhere in between

4. Why you should NEVER write in a vacuum…
And more!

You’ll leave with a new bag of practical tactics and tricks you can apply right away to make your website copy stronger.

How to Double Your Search Traffic by Auditing Your Blog

Publishing more and more posts is not the only way to increase traffic to your site. There are two types of audits you can do to get the most out of the content you already have published. First, an SEO audit can ensure that your site is technically sound, helping search engines crawl your site and understand your authority in your niche. Second, a content audit will make sure all your posts are relevant and in-depth. These two audits can increase your search traffic and make readers come back for more.

WordCamp Calgary 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!