Kevin Kwan

Kevin Kwan

Kevin Kwan is a co-owner and program developer at Athlete Inside Performance in Calgary, AB. Since opening in 2009, the gym has expanded to two locations both over 5,300 square feet. The success of AI has been built on wholistic coaching principles constantly being improved by Kevin, encompassing knowledge in training, injury prevention, nutrition and lifestyle management.

Kevin is certified nutritional techniques and knowledge in Biosignature Level 2, and Precision Nutrition Level 2, as well as strength coaching through the Poliquin International Certification Program and CrossFit. He has been practising nutrition for over 5 years, and strength coaching for over 6 years dealing with a range of athletes from CrossFit competitors to ultra endurance runners. He is constantly learning in courses, workshops, and keeping up with research in the field to understand the complexities of each individual and it’s relation to optimizing health and performance.


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