Our First Set of Speakers and Panelists

We are really excited to announce our first group of Speakers and Panelists for WordCamp 2014. So without futher ado, here are six of our speakers and panelists.

This year’s conference will include 7 Speaker Sessions, 2 Panels Sessions, a unique workshop experience in addition to the already announced The Pro Bono Lounge and Mentor Lunch.

And since we know everyone is eager for even more details, the schedule for this year’s sessions and topics will be finalized by the end of this week.

Call for Volunteers

As the WordCamp Team keep trucking along with the planning of this year’s edition, we’d like to put a call out for Volunteers and Pro Bono Lounge Mentors.

We’ve had a good selection of people volunteer to help with the logistics on the day of (Registration, room help, etc.,) and a couple people volunteer for the Pro Bono Lounge, but we’re looking for a few more people to help out.

In particular we need:

  • 8-10 Volunteers to help with registration in the morning and the rooms during the day.
  • 5-6 Pro Bono Lounge mentors to help with manning the Pro Bono Lounge Area during the morning and afternoon.

If you’re interested in volunteering please fill out our Volunteer Form.

Call for Local Sponsors

As mentioned, any conference or event couldn’t happen without the generosity of sponsors. For WordCamp Calgary 2014 we have an incredible group of National Sponsors lined-up to help make this year’s conference happen and keep our overall attendee costs extremely low.

But with that being said, we also want to give the opportunity for businesses, organizations and WordPress freelancers within the Calgary community to sponsor WordCamp 2014 and to reach an active audience of 150 WordPress community members, so we are offering Local Sponsorship package for our local WordPress Champions.

Local sponsorship packages are $150.00 and include the following:

  • 2 free tickets to WordCamp Calgary 2014.
  • Branding on badges, signage, and promotion materials.
  • A spot on the sidebar in our sponsors section.
  • A two hundred word blurb on our web site under our sponsorship page.
  • A blog post on our web site describing your company and what you provide to the Calgary community. (Which will be shared on our social media channels).
  • A special mail to our mailing list with your company information.
  • An opportunity to provide marketing material for your company at the registration table.
  • Thank you mention at launch/close.
  • Thank you via Facebook and Twitter.
  • And the ability to proudly announce to your customers that you’re a proud supporter of the WordPress community in Calgary.

If you’re interested in sponsoring WordCamp Calgary, feel free to send us a note at calgary@wordcamp.org with the Subject line of I Want To Be A Local Sponsor!.

June 14th, 2014 WordCamp Calgary is Coming.

And with that we are pleased to announce that the 2nd edition of WordCamp Calgary is coming June 14th, 2014.

This year’s conference will be a celebration of everything WordPress within the Calgary community. The organizing committee is working hard to produce a full days worth of great content and networking that will appeal to a wide range of audiences – from beginner content creators all the way to hardcore developers and everything in between. We’re all booked a full day event starting at 10:00am until 5:00pm at SAIT.

Tickets will go on sale, Tuesday, May 13th 2014. But in the meantime, the team is reaching out to the local community for Volunteers, Local Sponsors and potential Speakers. We have some great speakers lined-up at the moment, but are exploring having panel discussions and a ProBono Lounge.

While we wait for tickets to go on sale, there are a few things that you can do:

We are incredibly excited for 2014 and can’t wait to see you down at SAIT. Stay tuned as we’ll be releasing even more information over the coming weeks.