Our Second Set of Speakers and Panelists

We are really excited to announce our second group of Speakers and Panelists for WordCamp 2014.

This year’s conference will include 7 Speaker Sessions, 2 Panels Sessions, a group sourced interactive session in addition to the already announced The Pro Bono Lounge and Mentor Lunch.

Our First Set of Speakers and Panelists

We are really excited to announce our first group of Speakers and Panelists for WordCamp 2014. So without futher ado, here are six of our speakers and panelists.

This year’s conference will include 7 Speaker Sessions, 2 Panels Sessions, a unique workshop experience in addition to the already announced The Pro Bono Lounge and Mentor Lunch.

And since we know everyone is eager for even more details, the schedule for this year’s sessions and topics will be finalized by the end of this week.

The Pro Bono Lounge & Mentor Lunch

As we start finalizing the talks, panels and schedule for WordCamp 2014, we also want to explain two of the additional events we have planned. Below is a synopsis of two of the unique events we have planned for this year’s edition.

Pro Bono Lounge


This full-day Pro Bono lounge (or sometimes referred to as Happiness Lounge) will pair up struggling business owners and entrepreneurs with expert WordPress professionals for free consultations and quick fixes. Bring your laptop, ideas and sketches There will be plenty of wifi and outlets.

The Committee will be looking for WordPress experts to volunteer slots of time at throughout the day. If you’re interested in participating, send us a note at calgary@wordpress.org.

The Pro Bono Lounge will run from 12:00 – 4:00. The Pro Bono Lounge will be located in the Hallway beside Macdonald Hall.

Mentor Lunch


Ever attended a lunch at a conference and wanted to sit down with people and just ask questions about what you’ve learned throughout the day? Ever wanted to sit down and talk about Javascript, WordPress Plug-ins, Learn more about the WordPress Meet-up Group or learn about different events in the city? Well, we are going to try something a bit different at this year’s WordCamp.

Introducing the Mentor Lunch. During the Lunch break we will be opening up the MacDonald room and setting up tables for people with common interests to sit down, chat and ask questions. The idea is to provide an avenue for networking and learning throughout the Calgary community. We know that it can sometimes be very intimidating to attend a conference on your own, so why not sit down and with a group of other Calgarians interested in a certain topic and share a conversation over lunch.

And don’t worry if you want to escape for a bit to have lunch on your own that’s totally fine too.

The Committee will be looking for mentors and local organizations to volunteer their lunch hour to act as a conversation starter. If you’re interested in participating, send us a note at calgary@wordpress.org.

The Mentor Lunch will run from 1pm-2pm in Macdonald Hall.