Interested in sponsoring WordCamp this year?
WordCamp Calgary 2020 will be hosted at Fort Calgary, May 29-30, 2020. Now in its eighth year, WordCamp Calgary is a growing annual event. Like last year, this event will include two days of programmed sessions on Friday and Saturday.
In 2019, 100+ WordPress enthusiasts (new and experienced!) came together for two days filled with fantastic talks and discussions that educated and inspired. We’re expecting a turn out of 150+ this year. Our sponsors help us make this happen and get targeted brand recognition with all our attendees.
We look forward to growing WordCamp Calgary 2020 further with the help of local and global sponsors!
Sponsorship Benefits
We have four fantastic levels of sponsorship available to businesses like yours.
Get the most exposure to our attendees plus a table in our dedicated promotional area to interact with attendees and show off your brand.
This package includes:
- 4 Tickets to WCYYC
- Social Media shoutouts
- Logo on the website
- Logo on badges and signage
- Logo in all print materials
- Logo in all newsletters
- Thank you in our newsletter
- Dedicated blog post on the website
- Mention at the event
- Swag included on our swag table
- Invitation to Speaker dinner, come interact with the speakers and organizers of the event!
- Dedicated promotional area in a main traffic area at the event.

Calgary Tower
If you’re a service-based company or an up and coming brand and want to support WordCamp Calgary, this is the package for you. Get your logo on some our prime real estate: physical materials and the website!
This package includes:
- 2 Tickets to WCYYC
- Social Media shoutouts
- Logo on the website
- Logo on badges and signage
- Logo in all print materials
- Thank you in our newsletter
- Mention at the event
- Swag included on our swag table

Tight on budget but still want to get your name out there and support an awesome event? We’ve got you.
This package includes:
- 1 Tickets to WCYYC
- Social Media shoutouts
- Logo on the website
- Logo on badges and signage
- Thank you in our newsletter
- Mention at the event
- Swag included on our swag table

Lunch Sponsor
$1500 (Limit 2)
WordCamp Calgary is a 2 day event, with two lunches provided for the attendees. You can become the exclusive sponsor of one of the lunches and help feed everyone!
This package includes:
- 4 tickets to WCYYC
- Lunch Signage with your logo
- Mention at the event during opening remarks
- Social Media shoutouts
- Logo on the website
- Logo in all newsletters
- Thank you in our newsletter
- Dedicated blog post on the website
- Swag included on our swag table
- Everyone’s eternal gratitude!!

We also have White Hat tickets ($150) available for those individuals and small businesses who want to contribute, get a bit of exposure, and have a really tight budget. You’ll get 1 social media shout out, your logo on the website, and 1 ticket to the event. Click here to purchase a White Hat.
Once you’ve purchased your White Hat ticket, we will be in touch with you to get your logo and information!
Sponsor Application
Fill out the form below and our sponsorship team will be touch with you shortly.