Site Clinic

Would you like an honest but constructive critique of your website? Do you mind having your site reviewed in front of an audience? Kevin Brennan, owner of Build Studio, will review your site based on it’s design, functionality and usability. All you need to do is provide him with your website address and what goals you have for the website or company.

If you don’t want to submit your site, there’s still lots to learn from the sites we’re reviewing.

Submit your site for consideration.

Please provide a brief outline of the goal of your site/company so we have an idea of the intent and how we help you better reach those goals:

Gutenberg and the future of WordPress

In 2018, WordPress will modernize, streamline, and simplify the content creation experience with Gutenberg. It represents the biggest change to the WordPress user experience in several years. In fact, in the State Of The Word 2017 Matt Mullenweg described its enduring importance as “the editor for the next twelve years.”

How does it work? Who is already using it? How can I get ready? How can I contribute? This presentation will answer all those questions and more.

From Local To Live: Launching Your Site The Simple Way

One of the biggest challenges for new WordPress developers is taking that beautiful site that they built on their own computer or local server, and going live without having to rebuild the entire site from scratch.

This session will explore the easiest ways to launch you site, and eliminate the headache.

Submitting, maintaining and growing a plugin on

You have a plugin and want more people to check it out, and submitting to the official WordPress plugin directory. But how do you get it ready and submit it, easily keep it up-to-date, avoid common conflicts with other plugins, and get more people finding out about it?

In this talk I’ll go through tips and techniques to save you (and your plugin users) from pulling out their hair and get your plugin out there on

Using WP-CLI to Supercharge Your Workflow

WP-CLI is a powerful tool. On local and remote servers, you can use it to install plugins, activate themes, create posts, regenerate thumbnails, export your database, and the list goes on. This session will introduce you to the tool and cover basic to advanced tasks you can complete with it. You will walk away with a powerful new tool in your WP toolbelt.

Talk notes:

WordCamp Calgary 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!