Mentor Lunch

Ever attended a lunch at a conference and wanted to sit down with people and just ask questions about what you’ve learned throughout the day? Ever wanted to sit down and talk about Javascript, WordPress Plug-ins, Learn more about the WordPress Meet-up Group or learn about different events in the city? Well, we are going to try something a bit different at this year’s WordCamp.

Introducing the Mentor Lunch. During the Lunch break we will be opening up the MacDonald room and setting up tables for people with common interests to sit down, chat and ask questions. The idea is to provide an avenue for networking and learning throughout the Calgary community. We know that it can sometimes be very intimidating to attend a conference on your own, so why not sit down and with a group of other Calgarians interested in a certain topic and share a conversation over lunch.

And don’t worry if you want to escape for a bit to have lunch on your own that’s totally fine too.

Time: 1:00-2:30 | Location: Macdonald Hall

Advanced Theming with HTML5

David and Michael will delve into some advance concepts surrounding WordPress theming and development. Showing attendees how to craft custom WordPress Child Themes and even walk you through how to add HTML Video elements straight into a custom comments section.

Time: 11:00-12:00 | Location: Classroom

Pro Level Workflow

Michael and David will show you some of their tips, tricks and best practices for developing custom themes for WordPress. Learn how to set-up a workflow that transitions a freelance methodology right to the collaborative environment of an Agency. They’ll touch on how to use Git, local environments and how to master your own development workflow to run with the pros.

Time: 11:00-12:00 | Location: Classroom

Opening Remarks/Welcome To WordCamp

As you drink your coffee and get ready for WordCamp Calgary 2014, the organizing committee will go through a run down of the day’s activities, panels, sessions and workshops.

Time: 10:30-11:00 | Location: Macdonald Hall